About Me

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I am a wife, mother of two, animal lover, crafter and baker; all rolled into one. I do what I love and love what I do.

"Sweet Blogs"

Friday, February 3, 2012

Newest Cookies

Hi Everyone!!!
I know I haven't posted any cookies in a while. I have a friend who was seriously hurt in a car accident last week and is in a rehabilitation center for a few weeks. I went to see her today. Instead of taking the regular flowers or candy or stuffed animals, I decided I would bring her some homemade cookies. She was really happy with them!!
Now I don't have a lot of cookie cutters in my collection(not yet, anyway)so I decided to use what I have. I used an ice cream cutter(cause ice cream makes anyone feel better anytime)!!!, a rainbow(just brings happiness no matter what) and a square cookie cutter(valentine envelope)on which I wrote sayings....and here is what she got!!!  Thanks to Adrienne from Have a cookie for the recipe used!!!!