About Me

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I am a wife, mother of two, animal lover, crafter and baker; all rolled into one. I do what I love and love what I do.

"Sweet Blogs"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nothing to do with cookies

Only 8 days until Christmas...can you believe it!! I know I certainly can't. Since Thanksgiving I think everyone has gone into super fast mode.  I think we all just need to stop, slow down and think about the holidays and what they are truly suppose to mean. Thanksgiving is a time of being thankful and grateful for what we have.

Christmas is the season where we are suppose to reflect on the meaning of that little baby boy born in Bethlehem and what He has done for us. No matter what our situation in life may be it is a time where we should be more giving and understanding of our fellow man...and maybe "give" a little more of ourselves. I know I find myself contributing more this year to our local Salvation Army then I have ever before..perhaps it is because this year has been a rather devastating year for some who, because of the economic situation; have lost their homes while others have had their homes destroyed by flood(particularly here in PA)and some just don't have anywhere to live at all. My heart goes out to each of them because it could just as well be me and my family in that same situation. We are fortunate that my husband still has his job, even though I lost mine. We are survivors and with God's help we will continue to be.

I would just like everyone during this holiday season to be just a little more patient and kind to those around us. We don't know their situation and they don't know ours. My mother always said that no matter how bad our situation may be, someone else is in a much worse situation. A little bit of kindness can go a long way folks...if you haven't already done so, dig into your pockets and give an extra dollar to your local organization that may be in need...better yet help a neighbor or friend who may need it but is to proud to ask....remember Jesus came for a reason....let us all "pay it forward".

                 Merry Christmas and See you in the New Year!!!